The Zoo Fence

Letters PolicyThe Zoo Fence

If you are writing about exchanging links,
please click here.

If you are a writer or a poet, please note that
submissions should be sent to TZF’s Open Space,
where please read the Open Space Guidelines carefully.

If you are a graphics artist who would like us to display your work on The Zoo Fence,
please read the top of TZF's Art page carefully before writing us.

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We've got mailWe welcome e-mail correspondence from visitors to The Zoo Fence, and, while we cannot promise to respond to all the e-mail we receive, we do try to reply to correspondence that asks a genuine question or raises an important issue about any of the material on this site or about the spiritual process generally.

Please Note: Our E-mail Editor automatically discards mail sent to us that is not signed. In other words, if you do not sign an e-mail message that you send to us, we may never see it! Also, we NEVER open attached files.

So, to ensure that your message will be read, and not unintentionally discarded, please include the following:

– a few words in the “Subject” line that describe your message, even something generic like “Just a Thought” andTrash be gone

– a salutation, such as “Dear TZF” or “Dear Editor” or, simply, ”Friends” and

– a closing that includes at least your first name, something like “Sincerely, Mary.”

– and, again, please be aware that we do not open files of any kind that are attached to e-mail messages. Our e-mail editor automatically discards attached files upon receipt.

At our discretion, we will post on TZF’s Letters page letters or portions of letters whose subject matter seems to us to be of general interest. Of course, we will remove information that is personal or confidential in nature. We will not post a letter if the correspondent specifically asks us not to. Normally, we do not post correspondents’ names, and we never do so without asking the correspondent first. We reserve the right to edit letters for content and length.

Click Here To Write Us

Updated September 27, 2013


The Zoo Fence
The Zoo Fence

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