In the beginning, the eden conspiracy unveiled by the zoo fence

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Piangendo dissi, “Le presenti cose
col falso lor piacer volser miei passi,
tosto che'l vostro viso si nascose”.
The Divine Comedy 2-XXXI
Dante Alighieri

In tears, I cried, “Stuff,
With its false appeal, lured me astray
soon as you hid your face”.

My translation

•  In The Beginning  •
The Eden Conspiracy Unveiled

This book neither is nor is it intended to be an academic consideration of the Bible. I am not a theologian, a biblical scholar, or a historian. In the context of this book, my interest in the passages of the Bible considered here is solely as a spiritual seeker, one who has undertaken a personal, inner journey for the Truth of who and what I am. I know that many of my statements, and perhaps even all of my conclusions, will not reflect, and perhaps may even contradict, current orthodoxy, theology, and history. I mean no disrespect by that, but it does not concern me, for again I am not an academic, and this is not an academic undertaking. For me, the Bible, like other scriptures, is a guide and a tool and a vehicle which can facilitate and accelerate my passage along the spiritual path only if I understand its message to me. Therefore, I take it to be my duty to discover and understand its meaning to me personally, to decipher what the Universal Teacher intends for me to see in it and to do by it. All of that is what I hope to share with you, and I ask that you read it in that spirit.

For your information: I wrote and published “In The Beginning” in 1989. In 2017, reading The Lost Gospel by Herbert Krosney, I first learned about the Gospel of Judas, which was written in the second century, but sat buried in a cave in Egypt until the end of the twentieth century, and was not translated and published until 2006. This is of interest because the Gospel of Judas describes the relationship between Jesus and Judas, and presents the events among Jesus and Judas and the other disciples at the Last Supper very nearly as I do in this book. I mention that because, although my premise made sense to me at the time I wrote it, I had no reason to believe it might actually have been the case. That said, we need to remind ourselves that scholars know with virtual certainty that this gospel, like others, was not authored by the name attached to it, in this case Judas, and it is not a factual record of the events reported, but is instead a consideration reflecting the views and beliefs of a particular sect, in this case gnosticism. Nonetheless, for a spiritual seeker whose focus is his own spiritual undertaking, it is a source of teaching, guidance, and inspiration. Finally, as one can imagine, these passages about Judas in my book generated a fair amount of feedback, not all of it positive.

Since writing this book, I have learned that scholars remind us that Jesus was not the man’s actual name. It was almost certainly an Aramaic word, most likely something like Issa. For more about that, please click here.

We published this book in a limited edition in 1989. At that time our name was Eden’s Work.

Chapter 1 – Asking The Question

Chapter 2 – The Fall: Catastrophe or Conspiracy?

Chapter 3 – Mirror, Mirror

Chapter 4 – Madam, I'm Adam

Chapter 5 – The Devil You Say

Chapter 6 – It is Accomplished

Chapter 7 – Now We Are One

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The Zoo Fence

The Zoo Fence

“In The Beginning”
was first published in hard copy
in a limited edition in 1989.
It is no longer published in hard copy anywhere.
Copyright © by The Laughing Cat
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