The Zoo Fence
a commentary on the spiritual life

Life is But A Dream
The Harptones (1955)

Here is how it seems to me … today.

It's a projection. My life, your life, is a projection.

Projected out of or into my mind, your mind, by the ego. Or projected out of or into the ego by the mind, mine and yours.

The entirety of what I think is me, ditto you, is this instant being projected from, onto, into, my mind, your mind. And being perceived by me, by you, as what each of us calls my life.

Like onto a mirror. All my senses, all your senses (vision, smell, touch, etc) are “experiencing” it the same way (sort of) that sitting in a movie theater or watching a computer screen we experience the story being projected.

What is being projected is ourselves as perceived — or is it created? — by the ego/mind.

Just so, the Teachers all tell us that our life, our world, my life, your life, my self, your self, as we perceive them today, is an illusion, a projection. We experience it, we enjoy it, we love it, we hate it, we fear it, we anticipate it, we remember it, we see it, we smell it, we hear it. But it is not there.

It seems real, it does not seem to be a projection, but that is because the part of our being that would see through this drama in an instant is, has been, turned off by … well, my guess is, by the ego/mind team. But if not that, then by something else.

And that something is some thing that Self-Realization undoes.

Just so, at the end of a movie, the screen goes blank and the lights turn on. Ditto here. That is what Self-Realization is (sort of, I think). In a word, as said by Looney Tunes’ Porky Pig, That's all folks!

We AWAKEN and REALIZE it is all a dream.

Who precisely is dreaming? Yea. (See the blue text below.)

Life could be a dream
Do do do do, sh-boom.
The Chords

Speaking of dreams, if you have not already done so, please consider my suggestion that my life and your life is God dreaming … here.

Ever Aspiring

Sez who?

Remember Who you are!

But blessed are your eyes, for they see,
and your ears. for they hear.

Matthew 13:16

Going up!

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