The Way Home
are a few of the books that have helped, are helping, Nancy and me.
For videos we have enjoyed, click here.
Where appropriate, the book titles are linked to Amazon.
For books and stories I have written, click here.
The Complete Gospels – If I had to pick just one source for the Teachings of Jesus, it would be this edition of the
Gospels, published by HarperSanFrancisco, associated with The Jesus Seminar.
Here are presented in a clear, understandable, and
exceedingly readable translation (prepared entirely free of ecclesiastical
control), with accompanying notes and cross references, not only the four “traditional” gospels
(Matthew, Mark, Luke & John), but also the Gospels of Thomas, Mary, James, and Peter,
as well as more than a dozen others, all of which broaden our perspective
on the man, his times, his life, and his words. If all you know of the
New Testament Teachings is what your Sunday school teacher told you, this
edition of the gospels belongs on your bookshelf.
Vasistha’s Yoga translated by Swami Venkatesanda – For my consideration of this book, please click here.
Lost Christianities: The Battle for Scripture and the Faiths
We Never Knew by Bart D. Ehrman – Here
is very readable, well-documented history of the varied, conflicting
Christian beliefs, groups, sects, and scriptures that evolved in the
decades and first few centuries after Issa (Jesus)’ crucifixion, and the story
of how a few of the then-existing Gospels, letters, and other texts were
chosen for inclusion in the New Testament and what happened to all the
others. This book makes for fascinating reading. Its companion by the
same author, which provides the texts of many recently discovered early
Christian writings, is Lost
Scriptures: Books That Did Not Make It into The New Testament.
Bhagavad Gita – The Gita is
one of the great epics of Hinduism. Two enormous armies stand face to
face on the field, poised for battle, awaiting only a signal to begin
from the master bowman, Arjuna, who at the very last moment loses his
nerve. His charioteer, the divine Krishna, urges him onward. The Gita
is the ensuing conversation between them, in which Arjuna and, through
him, we, are Taught the True Nature of Ourselves, of Reality, of the
Universe, of the Spiritual Process, and of God. Finally, Arjuna proclaims,
as someday so shall each of us: “My delusion is gone!” There
are numerous excellent translations of
this wonderful scripture. This one by Swami Nikhilananda from the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda
Center, which includes an inspiring commentary, is one of my favorites. Here is another at Amazon that I have not seen, but sounds good.
Mysticism – This book, written by Evelyn Underhill in 1911, instantly became a classic, and has been so ever since. And deservedly so. Its focus is Christian Mysticism, but any seeker on the spiritual search in earnest, will benefit from reading it. Mysticism itself is about an immediate relationship with or awareness of the Divine, however considered, however labeled; in other words, im-mediate: no mediator. A mystic’s relationship with God is intimate, constant, earnest, and boundary-less, until finally only God remains. All of that and more is what Evelyn Underhill writes about so convincingly.
The Gnostic Gospels – This book is about dozens of early Christian texts discovered in Egypt in 1945. What makes these texts interesting — and threatening to orthodox Christianity — is their perspective. These are the beliefs and expectations of some early Christians whose interpretation of Jesus — his life, his teaching, his nature — are different, even very different, from what pastors and priests preach today. Just so, the gnostic gospels are considered heresy by the Roman Catholic Church. Gnosis is a Greek word meaning knowledge and more specifically esoteric knowledge of spiritual truth. As I understand the word, there is nothing — no person, no thing — between me and God other than my own ignorance about God's nature and my relationship with him. That is, as regards my spirituality, I do not need others; I need knowledge, gnosis. For a serious seeker, this is a great read. The author's other books are just as good.
By His Grace – A Devotee’s Story by Dada Mukerjee (known as Dadaji) – This is the story of Neem Karoli Baba – also known as Babaji and Maharajji) – perhaps best known in the West as the Guru discovered in India by Ram Dass (Richard Alpert). For me, this short volume has become among my most favorite, most often turned-to books; the cover is torn, the seams failing, the corners frayed, and my underlines and circles and exclamation points are throughout. Babaji, as I call him because he is Babaji in this book, and it was by this book that I came to know him (although I met him in one of Ram Dass’ books, where he is Maharajji), has become for me (and many others) a dearly beloved, honored, and respected Teacher. There are a lot of other excellent books about him at Amazon.
The Awakening of Intelligence by J. Krishnamurti – This is the first significant book I read on the spiritual path, and it
changed everything! Not to mention a couple of mystical experiences it
generated. With crystal clarity and unerring insight, Krishnamurti–
who was declared by the Theosophical Society to be the next messiah, but
who declined the privilege– gently but expertly guides readers to new,
enlightening and uplifting ways of perceiving ourselves, our reality, and,
perhaps most importantly, the way we think about thinking. Please see TZF’s Ampers&nd page
for an extended excerpt from one of his most famous talks.
A Course
in Miracles – This set of three books has
attracted much attention, and generated a variety of spin-offs. My own
experience with it has been that, if undertaken alone, quietly and in
earnest, with discipline, patience, and a genuine commitment, it will
deliver on its title. For additional comments, please see
A Course in Miracles
here and at Letters.
Sufis by Idries Shah – Sufism is commonly considered to be the
mystical path of Islam. In fact, it is more likely the mystical heart
of every spiritual tradition. No
one makes that case more convincingly than the late Idries Shah, who
was himself a direct descendant of the Prophet Mohammed.
Living Presence – The Sufi Path to Mindfulness … –
This is a living book. The presence of the author — himself a Teacher — is felt by a reader who is a serious seeker, making the experience a form of satsang. Yes, its focus is Sufism, but the Teaching itself sounds like — because it is — effectively the same powerful and essential Teaching offered by all the great Teachers. Both Nancy and I recommend this book to seekers at all levels.
I Am That – Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj –There
are no words to express the power resident in this book. If ever I were
to be exiled to the proverbial desert island with only one book, this volume
of Nisargadatta’s Teachings would be
it. An excellent accompaniment is Pointers
From Nisargadatta Maharaj by Ramesh S. Balkesar, in which a devotee
of Nisargadatta expands upon and clarifies the Teachings. Besides,
both titles are available at the publisher,The Acorn Press, PO Box 3279
Durham NC 27715-3279 (
There is an excerpt from “I Am That” at TZF’s Ampers&nd
Ramana Maharshi and The Path of Self-Knowledge – I suggest this book by Arthur Osborne, who knew Ramana Maharshi personally, be the first book seekers read about this extraordinary Teacher. I do that because Osborne introduces his readers not only to Ramana’s wondrous Teaching but also to Ramana as a person, a human being. Osborne makes the Teacher and the Teaching real, alive, present.
Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi – Edited by David Godman, this wonderful book presents
in commentary and dialogue form the Teachings of Ramana Maharshi, one of the clearest
and most powerful spiritual Teachers of
modern times, perhaps of all time.
The Yogas and Other Works – Here
in one volume are the principal writings of Swami Vivekananda, including his consideration
of the yogas (jnana, bhakti, karma, and
so on), his talks, letters, and other stuff. Ramakrishna’s
best known disciple, Vivekananda’s teaching is clear, concise, powerful,
encouraging, and genuinely comforting. At nearly a thousand pages in length,
this book is a wealth of inspiration.
Jesus The Son of Man by
Kahlil Gibran – This unique, intensely intimate portrait of Jesus (Issa) is written by someone who lived
where Issa (Jesus) lived, geographically and metaphysically. For those of us raised
in the West on Sunday school pictures of the Gospels Teacher, Gibran opens
a wide expanse of windows, framed by some of the most beautiful and moving
images I have ever read. There is an excerpt at TZF’s Ampers&nd.
Yeshua Buddha by Jay Williams – In my opinion, this little book is a classic. Here, the gospel teachings
of Jesus (Issa) are presented in a Buddhist
light, granting to seekers raised in a traditional Western Christian setting
an entirely new and fresh perspective on this powerful Teacher.
If you want to hear the teachings of Jesus (Issa) as he probably delivered them,
then this book is a good place to start.
Tibetan Book of Living and Dyingby Sogyal Rinpoche – In this
easy to read, easy to understand book, with lots of stories and anecdotes
from various traditions, a Tibetan
Buddhist lama (monk) offers a positive consideration of death and dying,
what it is and how to do it. There is an excellent chapter on meditation
practice, and more about karma, reincarnation,
and other concepts & practices.
The Way of Zen by Alan
Watts – This book was my introduction to Zen,
perhaps even America’s introduction to Zen, and like a couple of other
selections here, it changed everything for me. With crystal clarity, Watts
explores the evolution of Zen from its roots in Hinduism through Buddhism
and Taoism, and then presents the nuts and bolts of the practice. But there
is more than that to this book. Somewhere within this text, Watts buried
the power of his awakening, and if you come to it with an open and receptive
mind, you will feel it.
The Light Eaters: How the Unseen World of Plant Intelligence … by Zoë Schlanger – I have just received this book from a public library, so have not read it yet, but I look forward to doing so. Here’s the pitch from the cover: “How the unseen world of plant intelligence offers a new understanding of life on earth.”
Daughter of Fire by Irina
Tweedie –This is the story of a Russian-born woman who went to India in
1961 where she found a Sufi Master who
completely revolutionized her life. Written as a diary, this is a powerful
and inspiring story of a seeker’s journey from egoic self-absorption to
spiritual liberation. A condensed version of this book, called The
Chasm of Fire, is also available from
Only Dance There Is by Ram Dass – This early work by Ram
Dass (Richard Alpert) is based on talks he gave at the Menninger Foundation and to a hospital
in Maryland. It is an excellent introduction not only to Ram Dass himself
and his path, but to the nature of consciousness and the awakening process.
This is a great first book for a seeker.
Interior Castle by Saint
Teresa of Avila – This classic work by a sixteenth
century Spanish Carmelite nun offers an intimate portrait of the soul’s
progression toward Union, and provides specific, meaningful guidance and
encouragement that is just as relevant and powerful today as when it was
written for Teresa’s sister nuns four hundred years ago.
The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of The New Physics by Gary Zukav – Every seeker eventually recognizes
that the much touted conflict between science and religion is an illusion,
for they are both struggling to decipher and realize the same Thing, and
those at the farthest limits of each know it! If you have not reached that
awareness yet, this fascinating and easy-to-read book will bring you a
lot closer.
The Thunder of Silence by Joel S. Goldsmith – The
author of The
Infinite Way, which has evolved into a spiritual path based on principles
to live by and practice for God realization and
harmonious living, Joel Goldsmith was
a Christian mystic and powerful healer. His talks and teaching are available
in about twenty-five books. His The
Art of Meditation is already a classic. I particularly like this book
for its focus on how to live in this world rightly.
Reluctant Saint by Donald Spoto – This
biography of Francis of Assisi draws upon new developments in Franciscan
scholarship to present a thoroughly engrossing image of the man who is
perhaps the world’s — and certainly the west’s — best known and most
loved saint. What distinguishes this book for me is its presentation of
Francis as a real-life, flesh and blood human being, instead of the fanciful,
romantic, cartoon caricature too common to other writings, and particularly
to films. Spoto presents
Francis in the context of medieval Europe, giving us a true picture of
what it was like to be alive — and a spiritual seeker — at that time
in history. He gets into Francis’s head and heart, analyzing and measuring
and celebrating his desires, his fears, his doubts, his hopes, his faith,
his actions, and his life. I hope this book will be the basis of the movie
that has yet to be made.
Afterzen by Janwillem van de Wetering – Sub-titled
“Experiences of a Zen Student Out on His Ear”, this book offers
the author’s personal interpretation of a collection of classical Zen koans,
told in the context of his own life as a student of Zen. Van de Wetering,
a noted writer of mystery fiction, has written two other books about
his life with Zen (The
Empty Mirror and A
Glimpse of Nothingness). All three offer enjoyable reads as well as
interesting, learning experiences for seekers.
The Mother of God by Luna Tarlo –The author is the mother of self-proclaimed guru Andrew Cohen (founder of What Is Enlightenment? magazine which is apparently out of print). In diary
form, she relates how she became her son’s disciple, and then struggled
to free herself from his coercive control. Here we encounter, in fascinating
and convincing detail, the abuse of power too common among gurus, teachers,
preachers, prophets, and the like. This book is not great literature, but
it is a warning all seekers should take seriously.